About Shadow Consulting Ltd

Who Are We?

Shadow Consulting Ltd is a specialist psychometric testing practice engaging a select group of highly qualified, trained and aligned professional consultants to deliver high value psychometrically based insights to both selection/recruitment decisions and staff development initiatives. 

We are non-partisan psychometric test practitioners drawing from “best in class” assessment tools sourced from a variety of established and credible test publishers.

Our Crusade : High Touch + High Tech = High Value

In a market where the highly personal and complex event of psychometric assessment has become internet based, commoditised and generic we bring the high-touch element back into play. Whilst we possess access to numerous online testing platforms we believe the real value of assessments are realised when we wrap the high-touch elements around the high-tech elements. In essence such elements as interactive candidate/assessment focus feedback sessions, manually crafted; highly customised reports, high-touch support and content clarification discussions with our report recipients are what sets us apart.

What's In A Name?

Why Shadow Consulting? A shadow is a result of light shone upon on a form. In our case, those forms are people; our torch is the combination of best in class psychometric assessment tools and highly qualified professionals that deliver to you in-depth psychometric assessment based insights.